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The Twelfth KCCAA Community Service Award

In 2010, the Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) established an annual KCCAA Community Service Award to encourage elementary and secondary school students in the greater Kansas City area to develop a stronger awareness of, and to inspire active participation in, community service. In the past several years, we have seen an increasing number of young students engaging in volunteer work, particularly under the leadership of KCCAA Youth Hope Fund. More and more young people have experienced the personal satisfaction of helping others. In order to honor their selfless efforts and to encourage others to follow their examples, KCCAA will recognize some of their most outstanding efforts to help others in our community. There will be three levels of recognitions: one first place, two second places, and three third places, evaluated based on the criteria below. To emphasize the fundamental rewards of community service, the awardees will be given plaques, scholarships, and will be announced during the KCCAA’s Chinese New Year Gala (online). 

This award may be offered to any primary or secondary school student in the greater Kansas City area. Any qualified student may apply. 

Requirements: an applicant must –  

  1. Be an elementary or secondary school student (grades 1 through 12). 
  2. Have participated in some form of volunteer work or community service (without compensation) during the past year. 

Evaluation criteria for awards: 

  • Activities that emphasize service to others in need will be valued over experiences designed primarily as learning experiences for the applicant. The substance and impact of service will carry more weight than the number of hours served.  
  • Initiative and leadership in the organization of group efforts to serve others will also be taken into consideration. Fundraising activities to benefit others will carry considerable weight in the judge’s decisions. However, direct service to others may be viewed as having more enduring significance. The age of the applicant will be taken into consideration by the judges.    

Application procedures:  

Submit an application by email to kccaa.award@gmail.com by January 3rd, 2022.  

The application letter should include the student’s name, school, and contact information for their school. A list of the student’s community as well as a description of their community service experiences during 2021 must be included.  The student shall also submit a one-page essay describing the benefits of their service to others.  The essay should also include their reflections on lessons learned from his or her service …

Posted in 2021 Events

KCCAA Fundraising Proposal to Support Henan, China

“心系河南 驰援灾区“捐款倡议书





1)将钱直接转入KCCAA PayPal 账户,并告知姓名以便记录:kccaa20@gmail.com

2) 支票邮寄地址:

KCCAA, 7327 Campbell St., Kansas City, MO 64131


Fundraising Proposal to Support Henan, China

As you may already know from the news, China’s Henan Province has been affected by severe flooding, caused by a period of prolonged heavy rainfall since July 17, 2021. As of today July 25, at least 63 people were killed, 5 went missing, 815,000 people were evacuated, 1.1 million were relocated, and 9.3 million people were affected. There is still no water, electricity, and communication in many part of the cities.

Within short time, KCCAA has reached out to Henan province to gain the first-hand information on the emergency need in the area. In the meantime, KCCAA have established a partnership with China Foundation of Culture and Art for Children (CFCAC), to provide long term sustainable financial and educational support to a dedicate school that was damaged during the flood. KCCAA calls on our Chinese American community, friends, and local businesses to support our effort and show our love and care to the people of Henan, the sister state/province of Kansas.

Please join us together for this support, and we are all in this together!

Donation via:

1). PayPal – Directly donate money into our KCCAA PayPal account, and please leave your name for record: kccaa20@gmail.com

2) Check – Make a check payable to “KCCAA” with below address:

KCCAA, 7327 Campbell St., Kansas City, MO 64131

Thank you everyone for your support!…

Posted in 2021 Events

KCCAA – Two billboards erected to raise awareness about the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign

在5月“亚太裔美国人传统月”期间,堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)在堪城主要高速路旁树立了两块广告牌。希望以此提醒社会各界对全美各地日益增加的针对亚裔暴力事件的重视,并呼吁所有人团结一致抗击种族歧视。整个5月期间,来往车辆和行人都可以在Brooklyn Ave.和70号州际高速交界处以及由436高速与Eastwood Trafficway交界看到我们的公益广告。堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)希望籍此鼓励民众为针对亚裔的仇恨事件发声,以防止更多人受害。也呼吁所有人团结一致抗击种族歧视,合作关爱共同抗击疫情。

广告牌图文由本地青年艺术家Kevin Wu与KCCAA理事会共同设计。此次活动也得到Lamar Advertising的大力支持与合作。感谢他们对华裔社区的贡献和帮助。


The Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) has erected two billboards to raise awareness about the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign.

The billboards went on display during the May, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month near Brooklyn Ave and I-70 intersection and at I435 and Eastwood Trafficway intersection.

The billboard is designed by Asian American graphic artist Kevin Wu along with KCCAA board members. The locations are provided by Lamar Advertising. The collaborative hopes to convey a message of peace, solidarity and the need to stop acts of anti-Asian hate, harassment, and violence.

Posted in 2021 Events

KCCAA Education Seminar – Successful College Application


自 从2000年开始,美国各个大学的招生录取对标准考试和成绩要求有了较大的变化。许多大学取消了递交SAT/ACT成绩的要求。美国最权威的教育考试机构—College Board 也相应地取消了所有SAT-Subject科目的考试。不久前一些州开始考虑取消或已经取消了中小学的超前教育。所有这些变化将对美国的中小学教育,尤其是每位高中学生申请大学带来不可忽视的影响。

KCCAA将于5月29日7:00-9:00 PM举办一场研讨会《如何在新形势成功申请大学》。我们邀请了当地两位优秀家长,请她们介绍在指导孩子申请大学过程中的经验和体会。这两位家长分别为:






Zoom Meeting Connection Information:

Topic: Successful College Application

Time: May 29, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 398 847 8641

Passcode: 123456

Posted in 2021 Events, Uncategorized



本周星期四4月8日下午4:00pm – 6:00pm将举行第一次线上讲座。由KCPD警察学院教官作自我防卫讲解并回答大家的问题。有兴趣的参加线上会议可以参见下面详细信息和链接。

Thursday, April 8, 2021

4:00 PM | (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada) | 2 hrs

Join from the meeting link


Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 133 453 6026
Meeting password: pAJeyGqm999

Join by phone

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.…

Posted in 2021 Events