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KCCAA – Two billboards erected to raise awareness about the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign

在5月“亚太裔美国人传统月”期间,堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)在堪城主要高速路旁树立了两块广告牌。希望以此提醒社会各界对全美各地日益增加的针对亚裔暴力事件的重视,并呼吁所有人团结一致抗击种族歧视。整个5月期间,来往车辆和行人都可以在Brooklyn Ave.和70号州际高速交界处以及由436高速与Eastwood Trafficway交界看到我们的公益广告。堪城中美联合会(KCCAA)希望籍此鼓励民众为针对亚裔的仇恨事件发声,以防止更多人受害。也呼吁所有人团结一致抗击种族歧视,合作关爱共同抗击疫情。

广告牌图文由本地青年艺术家Kevin Wu与KCCAA理事会共同设计。此次活动也得到Lamar Advertising的大力支持与合作。感谢他们对华裔社区的贡献和帮助。


The Kansas City Chinese American Association (KCCAA) has erected two billboards to raise awareness about the “Stop Asian Hate” campaign.

The billboards went on display during the May, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month near Brooklyn Ave and I-70 intersection and at I435 and Eastwood Trafficway intersection.

The billboard is designed by Asian American graphic artist Kevin Wu along with KCCAA board members. The locations are provided by Lamar Advertising. The collaborative hopes to convey a message of peace, solidarity and the need to stop acts of anti-Asian hate, harassment, and violence.

Posted in 2021 Events