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KCCAA 春晚, 我们的希望在这里起航 Spring Festival Gala, our hope set sail here

时光匆匆,弹指间2019年就要匆匆逝去,鼠年正大踏步向我们走来。亲爱的堪城华人朋友们,大家一定都急切期盼着一年一度的最最隆重的堪城KCCAA春晚吧, 让我们一起翘首以盼吧! 请记住: 1/25/2020 — 周六 — 大年初一,我们在老地方:JCCC Yardley Hall 一起拜大年!不见不散!

Time flies. 2019 is about to pass in a snap. Everyone must be eagerly looking forward to the annual and most grand KCCAA Spring Festival Gala.  Let us look forward to it! Remember: 1/25/2020-Saturday -New Year’s Day, we are in the same place: JCCC Yardley Hall to celebrate New Year together. See you there.

历年的KCCAA春晚舞台上,众多节目精彩纷呈,许多节目让人过目不忘。堪城本地的各个华人文艺团队更是首当其冲,各显神通。堪城旗袍协会的古典戏曲与服饰水乳交融的演示;乐乐艺术团气势磅礴的大合唱;茉莉花中国舞团婀娜飘逸的舞蹈;堪城现代 中文学校孩子们稚嫩而富有童趣的表演以及其他文艺团队的演出都给观众们留下了深刻的印象,每每想起,依然记忆犹新,历历在目。他们为增添节日气氛,为活跃社区生活,为弘扬中华文化立下了汗马功劳。

On the KCCAA Spring Festival Gala over the years, many programs are exciting, and many programs are unforgettable. The various Chinese literary and art teams are the first to bear the brunt of their magic. The classical opera and costumes by Kansas Qipao Association, the magnificent chorus by Leyue Performing Art Troupe, the graceful dance by the Jasmine Chinese Dance Troupe; the performances of the children from the Modern Chinese School of Kansas City and many other literary and artistic teams. The amazing performances have left a deep impression for the audience. They contributed to the festival atmosphere, the active community life, and the promotion of Chinese culture.

去年的春晚舞台上,堪城古典艺术旗袍协会带来的大型古典戏曲艺术节目“梨园春梦” 由旗袍协会创始人刘娜女士编排指导,独树一帜,气势宏大,深受大家的喜爱,赢得观众朋友们阵阵如潮的掌声。堪城古典艺术旗袍协会从成立至今,两年多来得到了许多热心朋友的鼎力支持和慷慨赞助,在会长Theresa的带领下,吸引了一大批喜爱中国文化,热衷于传播中国文化的当地华人朋友和美国朋友,为加强中美文化交流,促进中美友谊作出了重要贡献。正如Theresa 会长 说的:“我们堪城古典艺术旗袍协会的宗旨是传承弘扬中华文化,丰富堪城华人生活。我们要为美国中部的华人朋友搭建一个好的平台,不仅要为华人朋友提供丰富的生活讯息,而且更要鼓励和促进华人和美国朋友之间的文化交流,为增强中美友谊而努力。” 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼!今年的春晚舞台上堪城旗袍协会将再接再厉,再创辉煌,将带领观众朋友们一起穿越回到延禧宫,相信这个有创意的穿越剧一定会破茧而出,精彩绝伦,在春晚舞台上征服所有的观众,博得满堂喝彩!

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala last year, the large-scale classical opera art program “Liyuan Chunmeng” brought by Kansas Classical Cheongsam Association was arranged and directed by Ms. Liu Na, the founder of Cheongsam Association. It is unique and imposing. Since its establishment, Kansas Cheongsam Association has received generous support of many enthusiastic friends for more than two years. Under the leadership of President Theresa, it has attracted a large number of local Chinese friends who love Chinese culture and are keen to spread Chinese culture. With American friends, they have made important contributions to strengthening Sino-US cultural exchanges and promoting Sino-US friendship. As President Theresa said, “The purpose of our Kansas Cheongsam Association is to carry forward the Chinese culture and enrich the Chinese life in greater Kansas City area. We need to build a good platform for Chinese friends in the central United States, not only to provide rich Chinese friends Life information, but also encourage and promote cultural exchanges between Chinese and American friends, and work hard to enhance Sino-US friendship. ” On this year’s Spring Festival Gala, the Kansas Cheongsam Association will make persistent efforts and create greater glories. It will lead the audience to travel back to Yanxi Palace. I believe this creative drama will definitely break out of the cocoon, conquer all audiences and win cheers!

堪城茉莉花中国舞团从2008年成立以来,十多年来一直积极参与KCCAA的春节庆祝活动,每年都为KCCAA春晚输送了许多高质量的成人类,青少年类及儿童类舞蹈节目,为晚会的高水准作出了重要贡献。茉莉花舞团现任艺术指导老师Ella 说:“我们在为KCCAA 春晚舞台贡献微薄之力的同时,也借助春晚平台让更多的人知道并喜欢茉莉花,这样的双赢合作体现了两个团队长久以来的相互信任,互动互助,大大加强了华人社区的凝聚力。”

Since its establishment in 2008, Jasmine Chinese Dance Troupe has been actively participating in KCCAA’s Spring Festival celebrations for more than a decade. Each year, KCCAA Spring Festival Gala has delivered many high-quality adult, youth and children dance programs. High standards have made important contributions. Ella, the current art instructor of the Jasmine Dance Troupe, said: “While we have contributed a little to the KCCAA Spring Festival Gala stage, we also use the Spring Festival Gala platform to let more people know and like Jasmine. This win-win cooperation reflects the long-standing Mutual trust and mutual assistance have greatly strengthened the cohesion of the Chinese community. ”

堪城现代中文学校校长熊黎辉说:“春节作为中华民族乃至整个汉字文化圈最重要、也是最隆重的传统节日,承载着丰富、鲜明的中华文化内涵,KCCAA以大型春晚的形式来庆祝这一节日,是对中华文化精神与传统最生动的展示与传播,高度契合了中文学校‘传承弘扬中华文化’ 的办学宗旨。中文学校也期望每年以参与春晚演出的形式,向堪城华人社区传达我们对文化传承的坚持,表达我们对社区诚挚的新春祝福!”

Xiong Lihui, principal of Kansas Modern Chinese School, said, “The Spring Festival, as the most important and solemn traditional festival of the Chinese nation and the entire Chinese character culture circle, carries rich and distinct Chinese cultural connotations. KCCAA celebrates this festival in the form of a large-scale spring evening. It’s the most vivid display and dissemination of the spirit and tradition of Chinese culture, which is highly in line with the Chinese school’s mission of “inheritance and promotion of Chinese culture.” Chinese schools also look forward to participating in the Spring Festival Gala performance every year to convey our message to the Chinese community in Kansas. Perseverance in cultural heritage expresses our sincere Chinese New Year wishes to the community! ”

堪城乐乐艺术团是本地最大的华人艺术团体,在艺术总监韦桂林老师的指导下,整体艺术水准日益提高, 多年来一直积极参与KCCAA的春晚演出,为春晚舞台贡献了许多精彩节目。现任团长陈箭说得好:“我们的宗旨是服务社区华人,弘扬民族文化。过年是海外游子躲不过的情结,能够和众多海外华人朋友欢聚一堂共度春节,在艺术中寻找快乐的感觉,在快乐中接受艺术的熏陶,是我们多年坚持参加KCCAA春晚演出的不懈动力。”陈箭团长说出了所有参演团队的心声!

Leyue Performing Art Troupe is the largest local Chinese art group. Under the guidance of artistic director Wei Guilin, the overall art standard has been increasing. For many years, it has actively participated in KCCAA’s Spring Festival Gala performances and contributed many wonderful programs to the Spring Festival Gala. The current head Chen Jian said: “Our mission is to serve the Chinese in the community and promote the national culture. Chinese New Year is a complex that overseas travelers can not escape, and we can gather with many overseas Chinese friends to spend the Spring Festival together, looking for a happy feeling in art. Accepting the influence of art in happiness is our unremitting motivation to insist on participating in the KCCAA Spring Festival Gala for many years. ” Mr. Chen also expressed the aspirations of all participating teams!

为了共同的奋斗目标,为了给今年的春晚舞台锦上添花,堪城本地各个团队的组织者们早早开始了节目的筹备,从聘请节目指导到节目创意构思;从招募演员到选购服装道具;从确定排练场地到排练时间的安排,各个团体的核心成员们各司其职,各尽所能,通力协作。几百名热心演员们在老师们的指导下紧锣密鼓地展开了排练。这些义务演员中,她们有的是高级工程师,有的是画家,有的是医生,有的是商业女强人…… 这些义务演员中,他们有的是电脑专家,有的是大学老师,有的是科学研究专家,有的是喜爱中国文化的美国朋友…… 他们有家庭有工作,他们是妈妈是爸爸,他们有的住在KS 有的住在MO……为了把最精彩的节目带给观众,他们把他们宝贵的、有限的业余时间全都奉献给了春晚,奉献给了堪城社区这个大家庭!多少人 多少次下班了饿着肚子直接奔向排练场?多少人多少次请人代接有课外活动的孩子而自己准时出现在排练场?多少人多少次克服各种困难坚持来到排练场?不仅如此,演员们还都需要自费购买全套服装道具,他们没有一句怨言,没有一丝不快。生病了队员说:“抱歉,我病了,今晚不能来参加排练了,麻烦姐妹们替我录下今晚的排练内容,我在家里练习,决不拖后腿!” 回国探亲的队员说:“我要回国了,我可以帮助队里把淘宝网上订购的服装道具带回来!” 分配角色时队员说:“一切听从老师安排,一定努力完成任务!” 购买服装时队员说:“从舞台效果出发,该多贵就买多贵!” 这一刻没有豪言壮语,没有慷慨陈词,但却句句充满正能量,普普通通的简单话语里彰显着队员们为社区服务,为中美友谊架桥的拳拳之心。因为他们都有一个共同的心愿:传承弘扬中华传统文化!他们都有一个共同的希望:促进中美友谊,为社区这个大家庭添砖加瓦!

Posted in 2019 events

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