同舟共济,武汉加油!– KCCAA为武汉捐款倡议











捐款最佳方法是将钱打入KCCAA PayPal 账户:

Kccaa20@gmail.com 或 paypal.me/2019nCoVRelief

并告知姓名以便记录。Paypal 付款时选 send to friends and family可以避免手续费。KCCAA将为需要的捐款人提供免税收据并提醒有公司match的朋友不要忘了公司match。


P.O. Box 23325
Overland Park, KS 66283

Every day, we hear about the corona virus raging in China.  More than 46,000 people have been infected and over 1000 have died.  Chinese health officials are working to contain Covid-19 and other countries are taking precautionary measures to avoid a disastrous global pandemic.  Until only a few weeks ago, no one could have foreseen the magnitude of this catastrophe.  Medical facilities in Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province are overwhelmed despite massive emergency help from other parts of China and the rest of the world. 

Recognizing the urgent need for medical supplies in Wuhan, The Kansas City Chinese American Association(KCCAA) communicated with medical professionals in China to ascertain which supplies are needed most.  It was determined that there is an ongoing, urgent need for protective equipment such as goggles, disinfectants and masks for the front-line doctors and rescue workers.  Understandably, very few of these items are available for purchase in China now.  Therefore, the KCCAA has searched the US market for these much-needed materials which meet Chinese medical standards.  We determined that medical googles were the most readily available top-of-the-list item.  They are urgently needed in the hospitals where hundreds are admitted daily.  The Alumni Association of Wuhan University (New York) and Cainiao Logistics are helping the KCCAA to transport the supplies to Wuhan. 

It is the goal of the KCCAA to raise enough funds to purchase 5000 medial googles for the facilities in and around Wuhan.  The first consignment of 1000 protective googles are already on their way.  The US manufacturers of these googles are currently increasing production to meet domestic and international demand. 

Today (February 12th), Chinese health officials reported 14,840 new cases and 242 additional deaths due to Covid-19 (as reported by CNBC). Chinese health workers are giving their all to contain this virus before it reaches us.  We need everyone’s help to defeat this epidemic now!

Donations can be made via the KCCAA Paypal account. Please send your tax-deductible donation to Kccaa20@gmail.com or via paypal.me/2019nCoVReliefPlease make sure to add your name as well for our records. Select ‘send to friends and family’ to avoid handling fees. KCCAA will provide each donor with a tax-deductible receipt which can also be used for company matching.  


You can also make a check to:

P.O. Box 23325
Overland Park, KS 66283

Stand together with the people of Wuhan

Stand together with the KCCAA

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